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Student support system

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Student support system

Mentoring and guidance of the student is integral part of the institute. The reponsibility of mentoring is assign to each teacher. On an average, 18 students are assigned to 1 teacher. The principal briefs each teachers about the menotring techniques and the mentoring covers areas like academic performance of the students, emotional adjustment with the activities of the institute, coping with the daily routines, general behavious and adjustment with the academic schedule of the institute. Each teacher who mentors 18 students interact with students at least once a week and each teacher has provided a specific schedule for meeting with the students in their course file.

Largely students report problems related to academic achievement and emotional issues related to staying away from home in a hostel. About academic achievement, the mentoring teacher request to subject teacher to provide attention to the student who faces academic achivement problem.

As a result of this effort, there is good level of ccordination among the teachers and students and their problems are minimize to the extent possible.